In Loving Memory of a dear cousin. Fondly remembering all the fun and good times we had together growing up. Love Derek & Margaret xx
With treasured memories of Pauline, a wonderful friend for more than 60 years. I will miss her more than I can say. She is with Christ, which is far better.
In loving memory of my dear friend. We had such fun together at Selhurst.
In memory of our much loved friend Pauline, gone but not forgotten x
My lovely friend. Thank you for so many happy memories.
In memory of my darling sister who will be missed so much. Thank you St Michael's Hospice for looking after her in her last few days.
Have known Pauline for seventy years and have happy memories of playing in each other back gardens. We have managed to stay in touch over the years and sorry no more meeting up for coffee and chat.
In memory of my very dear friend Pauline